Tuesday 18 October 2016

WWW: You’ve basically got no work on your blog: a few brief answers from the first week and nothing else. Do we have the right blog link? Is your work somewhere else? I really hope there’s an explanation for this.

EBI: You clearly need to ensure all missing work is on your Media blog urgently. It’s common to have blog issues in the first couple of weeks (perhaps your work is in drafts and needs to be published?) but if you don’t complete work in Media you will fail the course – it is as simple as that. You must remember that 60% of the GCSE is coursework – if you’re not willing to complete the work then we need to urgently find you an option that is 100% exam based. The work you need to post: a completed LIAR film poster analysis; Fruit bowl; Camerawork photo storyboard pictures and analysis.

LR: Complete and post all missing work urgently. Then, reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

My strongest piece of work is my fruit bowl

My weakest is my 10 answers

I need to develop my phototshop skills a lot more

Thursday 13 October 2016

In this shot we see a medium close up of the 6 antagonists, the policemen. In this we can see their facial expressions very clearly which kind of gives us a understanding of whats going on. This shot was when the police caught eye contact with the man they are chasing

   In this shot a wide/establishing shot is used because this is used you can understand the surrondings. The camera movement follows the policemen by using a whip pan as they chase after John. Another camera movement used in this scene was a crane which came down from a high angle to show the police getting closer to John and make it more tense                                                           .

The camera shot used here is another medium close up which showed Johns facial expressions and there is also a eye line match between John and one of the guards in this scene which makes the scene even more tense and makes the audience wonder what will happen next. You can tell this scene is taken in the alleyway by looking behind John and analysing.

Monday 10 October 2016

Language:We know this is a film poster
as it says, A Michael Bay film and it
says 3D and 2D theatres

Institution: Micahel Bay would
most probably make the most
money from the film as he is the                                                                                             
director, the main stars are Mark
Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci
and Kelsey Grammer

Audience: The audience of this film 
appeal to people who enjoy action
films and sci-fi 

Representations:You can tell by looking at this poster that the robots are fighting
 for something and the main characters are normally the focus
 point on posters so the robot must be the main

Thursday 6 October 2016

 This is a wide shot/Establishing shot to show where the scene is taking place
This is a long shot which shows the actor from head to toe. In this picture it shows the audience that the actor is climbing up a fence
This is a medium shot which shows waist to head of the actor and where the actor is
 This is an medium close up which shows the head and shoulders. This picture shows the audience that the actor is making a phone call
 Close up showing the audience who the actor is calling
 This is an over the shoulder showing the audience the drug deal that is happening
 This another over the shoulder shot showing the police officer approaching the suspect
 This low angle is to make the police officer look big and bad. And it also shows the arresting happening
 High angle making the suspect look even more weak. In the picture he is currently getting arrested
Unusual perspective: This picture shows the audience that the police officer behind the suspect and shows the facial expression of the suspect

Monday 12 September 2016

10 answers

1. I'm looking forward to working with other people to create different things

2.I hope to learn how to edit videos

3. C or above

4. Last show I watched was Narcos

5. Because it is a fantastic show and really fun to watch

6. My laptop (to write this lol ) and my phone

7. My phone mostly

9. That they are serious and humorous at times

10. The humour the music and the good acting skills because those are three things an audience really enjoy and what makes a show or movie become a hit